Friday, August 14, 2009

Hogle Zoo...with the grandkids....

On Tuesday we went to the Zoo ...We got there soon after it opened (9:30am) it was a perfect day to go because ALL the animals were out and moving around! The kids had fun, and the weather couldn't have been any better!

Here are some pictures of our FUN DAY....

We got to watch their BIRD was FUN and very entertaining!!! Also the picture of the GORILLA above (he was standing right up against the window, when we waved to him he got made and punched the glass then walked away...all the kids screamed (it totally caught us off guard), but when I snapped the picture I got his BEHIND...the kids couldn't stop talking about it the whole day....they loved it!

Some of the highlights of our day was seeing most every animal up close...seeing the brand new baby giraffe, and just spending time hanging out and having FUN!!!

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